The announcement of treatment resistance from the pediatric oncologist's point of view: a qualitative study.

Breaking bad news in pediatric oncology covers widely diverse clinical situations. The aim of this study was to highlight the specificities of the announcement of treatment resistance as perceived by pediatric oncologists, particularly in comparison with the disclosure of a cancer diagnosis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in two pediatric oncology departments in France, with 15 pediatric oncologists (66.7% were women, aged 44.7 years on average). Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed and a thematic content analysis was conducted. Most pediatric oncologists reported emotional difficulties in announcing treatment resistance. Some of them mentioned a personal need to accept resistance to treatment and to mourn the child's chances of recovery, and reported feelings of medical failure. This disclosure was considered more difficult than the announcement of the cancer diagnosis because it was associated with less optimism and more complex and fewer therapeutic options. The attachment bond created with families in the course of treatment seemed to exacerbate the emotional difficulties associated with this announcement. In conclusion, resistance to treatment has an impact on prognosis. It makes it more uncertain. Its announcement for pediatric oncologists is a turning point that affects their initial optimistic perspective. Their emotional difficulties are accentuated by the attachment that has been created with the families. Focusing on difficulties experienced by pediatricians could help to improve parent-pediatrician communication.
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