Análise de crescimento de diferentes genótipos de citros cultivados sob déficit hídrico

Aiming the identification of citrus varieties better adapted to Coastal Table Lands, considering their potential use as rootstocks, the performance of different genotypes for drought tolerance was evaluated, considering their physiological indices related to the growth analyses. The study was carried out in a greenhouse condition of the Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits. Six genotypes were studied: Rangpur lime, Volkamer lemon, Sour orange, and the hybrids HTR - 051, TSK o CTTR - 002 and TSK o CTTR - 017, all from the Citrus Breeding Program of the Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits. Seedlings were grown in Plantmaxâ growing media, irrigated adequately until they showed two pairs of true leaves. Afterward, they were transplanted to containers with the same growing media, but chemically fertilized. Seedlings were irrigated until sampling began. The experimental design was completely randomized under a 6 o 7 factorial, corresponding to six genotypes and seven evaluation sampling dates. The evaluations were carried out for seedlings under irrigation, water deficit, and re-watering. It was evaluated dry matter accumulation (DM), for their different fractions (root and above ground), and leaf area (LA) as the bases for the determination of the physiological indices: leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative growth ratio (RGR). It could be concluded that the hybrid HTR - 051 presented less sensibility to the water deficit, suggesting that it could be indicated as a promissory citrus rootstock for water deficit conditions.
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