Intelligent Navigation System using Ultrasonic Sensor for Visually Impaired Person (VIP)

Visually impaired persons (VIPs) deal a great difficulty in navigation under unfamiliar environment. Conventional obstacle detectors are not enough reliable, thus an innovative and affordable design of intelligent voice-based navigation system for VIPs is presented. The independent navigation and mobilization research are supported by GPS tracker to provide continuous information of location for their users. The prototype developed system is used to improve the quality life of VIPs in order to access desired location independently. This research utilizes the ultrasonic sensor (US) to detect the obstacles with buzzer alert and transmit the closed loop voice navigation feedback through microphone and headphone. The prototype setup was tested for detection of an obstacle in the range of 0-100cm. Due to obstacle, the ultrasonic detector was being activated to put on the buzzer and at the same time the voice message was being sent to make him/her alert. Similarly, the same message of non-obstacle path was being sent to VIP to follow that path. The results show the basic feasibility of the proposed designed prototype in static indoor as well as outdoor obstacle detection and identification for the VIPs to navigate independently to enjoy environmental activities. Furthermore, the refinement is needed for dynamic obstacles detection.
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