Penerapan Strategi Active Learning Tipe Index Card Match pada Mata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Kelas IX MTsN Pancung Soal

The background of the study was the low of ninth grade students of MTsN Pancung  Soal. One of the factor was the students do not pay attention to the teacher while explaining material. So, the researcher used active learning strategy type index card match. The study aims to describe the students’ achievement is better by using active learning strategy type index card match than conventional learning. The type of the study was experiment with all ninth grade students of MTsN Pancung  Soal as the population. Technique sampling of the study was simple random sampling. The samples took randomly after normality test, homogeinity test and the avarage similarity. From the tests , obtained IX.4 as experiment class and IX.2 as control class. Students’ achievement were collected by using multiple choice test. The avarage score for experiment class = 79,34 and for control class = 67,64. From the t-test obtained t-calculated (3,484 > 2,004) and significant 0,001 < 0,05. So, Ho was rejected. The finding showed that students’ achievement was better by using active learning strategy type index card match (ICM), students’ achievement is better than using conventional learning. Keywords : Implementation of active learning strategy type index card match, students’ achievement, experiment study .
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