Productivity of Milch Animals in Small Scale Dairying among Female and Male Headed Households

The present study has been carried out purposively in mid western zone of Uttar Pradesh to compare the productivity of milch animals between female and male headed households in small scale dairying. Data were collected through interview schedule from 100 distinct households (50 female headed + 50 male headed). The study revealed that fifty eight per cent of females were depended on single species of animal either cattle, buffalo or goats and the rest were rearing the livestock in different combination but in small numbers. Male headed households, however were rearing more large animals in combinations. Goats were reared in combination only by few male headed families, whereas these were reared by majority of female respondents both singly and in combination. None of the female respondents had any draft animals. Irrespective of gender, majority of the respondents obtained medium level of production from their milch animals. Twenty two per cent male headed households, however had higher productivity of their milch animals in comparison to only 8 per cent female headed households. Significant differences were found in the mean scores of early and peak milk yield of desi cows between the female and male respondents.
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