Fast voxel-based 2D/3D registration algorithm using a volume rendering method based on the shear-warp factorization

2D/3D registration makes it possible to use pre-operative CT scans for navigation purposes during X-ray fluoroscopy guided interventions. We present a fast voxel-based method for this registration task, which uses a recently introduced similarity measure (pattern intensity). This measure is especially suitable for 2D/3D registration, because it is robust with respect to structures such as a stent visible in the X-ray fluoroscopy image but not in the CT scan. The method uses only a part of the CT scan for the generation of digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) to accelerate their computation. Nevertheless, computation time is crucial for intra-operative application and a further speed-up is required, because numerous DRRs must be computed. For that reason, the suitability of different volume rendering methods for 2D/3D registration has been investigated. A method based on the shear-warp factorization of the viewing transformation turned out to be especially suitable and builds the basis of the registration algorithm. The algorithm has been applied to images of a spine phantom and to clinical images. For comparison, registration results have been calculated using ray-casting. The shear-warp factorization based rendering method accelerates registration by a factor of up to seven compared to ray-casting without degrading registration accuracy. Using a vertebra as feature for registration, computation time is in the range of 3-4s (Sun UltraSparc, 300 MHz) which is acceptable for intra-operative application.
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