Experimental Study of Deformed States of Carbon Plastics Surface Layers in Axial Tension by Digital Images Correlation Method

This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the deformed state distribution evolution of carbon fiber reinforced plastic surface layers under tension. Structural spatial deformation elements evolve as the total deformation increases. The size of the samples of carbon fiber is 250 × 12 × 1.5 mm. The matrix of the composite is the two-component epoxy compound Resin 530+. Filler composite is the unidirectional carbon fabric Tape 530. The layered deformation distribution on the surface of the sample changes into a more uniform distribution. The laminated distribution is characterized by localized deformation foci with dimensions of 2 ÷ 6 mm and a low deformation value. Homogeneous distribution is characterized by finely dispersed regions of local deformations with dimensions less than 1 mm. Local foci of deformations do not merge in the macro-region on the surface of the CFRP, which indicates a uniform distribution of deformations in the composite until destruction. The process of destruction of carbon fiber begins when the total deformation value reaches 1.8%.DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2018)1-10
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