Stress, sleep, and sex: A review of endocrinological research in Octodon degus

Abstract The Common Degu ( Octodon degus ) is a small rodent endemic to central Chile. It has become an important model for comparative vertebrate endocrinology because of several uncommon life-history features – it is diurnal, shows a high degree of sociality, practices plural breeding with multiple females sharing natal burrows, practices communal parental care, and can easily be studied in the laboratory and the field. Many studies have exploited these features to make contributions to comparative endocrinology. This review summarizes contributions in four major areas. First are studies on degu stress responses, focusing on seasonal changes in glucocorticoid (GC) release, impacts of parental care on offspring GC responses, and fitness consequences of individual variations of GC responses. These studies have helped confirm the ecological relevance of stress responses. Second are studies exploring diurnal circadian rhythms of melatonin and sex steroids. These studies have formed important work translating circadian biology from nocturnal laboratory rodents to diurnal humans. Third are studies that exploit the open nature of degu natural habitat, combined with laboratory studies, to explore the impact of testosterone on agonistic behavior. Studies have focused primarily on male:male, female:female, male:female, and parental behaviors. Fourth, are contributions to the study of female masculinization from male siblings in the uterus. These studies have focused on both the behavioral consequences of masculinization and the impact of those behaviors on fitness. Taken together, the studies reviewed here have formed a strong foundation for further studies in the degu so that future studies can address how endocrinological components underlie new mechanistic connections to the ecological effects on behavior and fitness.
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