An Investigation into Project Planning Techniques Used by Contractors in Kumasi Metropolis

This paper aimed to identify frequently used Project Planning Techniques (PPT) by contractors in Kumasi Metropolis. Three objectives were formulated to guide the study; 1)To identify PPT used by contractors, 2) To identify the mostly used PPT by contractors, and 3) To identify benefits of using PPT in executing projects. Snowball sampling technique wasadopted for the study due to the nature of the construction site scattered around the Kumasi metropolis. The research sampled 49 contractors in the Kumasi Metropolis for collection ofdata for analysis. From the study, seven (7) PPTs were identified through extensive review of literature; Brainstorming, Critical Path Analysis, Cause & Effect Diagrams, Bar Chartsor Gantt Charts, Line of Balance, Network Method and Program Evaluation& Review Technique (PERT). The results indicate that Bar Chart or Gantt Chart was the most widelyused PPT with a RII of 0.91. Reasons for using the Bar Charts or Gantt Charts were evaluated as; Easy to use, not complex and easy to implement. Ten (10) benefits of using PPT wereidentified and top ranked benefits were; improve service quality and customer satisfaction. In conclusion, seven (7) PPTs were identified. Bar Chart or Gnatt Chart was identifiedas the mostly used PPT by contractors in the Kumasi Metropolis. It is recommended that construction firms should organized training periodically for the employees on various typesof PPT. Also, project planning should be part of the curriculum at tertiary level of education since every project success depends largely on adequate and effective project planning.
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