Deformation parameters of neutron irradiated Zircaloy-4 at 300°C

AbstractTensile tests at 300°C and structural examination have been carried out on specimens machined from annealed and cold-worked Zircaloy-4 fuel sheathing which had been neutron irradiated at 290°C. The stress-strain behaviour during testing at 300°C has been related to the microstructures observed by transmission electron microscopy. The sizes of the barriers to dislocation motion have been estimated with the maximum barrier diameter being about 22A. Resume Les auteurs ont etudie des echantillons de Zircaloy-4 recuits et ecrouis utilises comme gaine et ayant ete irradies par neutrons a 290°C au moyen d'essais de traction a 300°C et par examen de leur structure. Le comportement en traction a 300°C est relie a la structure telle qu'observee en microscopie electronique sur lames minces. La taille des barrieres de dislocation a ete estimee, le diametre maximal en etant environ 20 A.
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