Actualización y recomendaciones en los cuidados al paciente cardiovascular durante la pandemia de COVID-19

espanolEn la situacion de pandemia que estamos viviendo actualmente, donde todos estamos aprendiendo juntos, investigando juntos, cuidando juntos, a gran velocidad, se establece la necesidad mas que nunca de recopilar la informacion publicada para unificar los cuidados con la maxima evidencia cientifica. El paciente cardiovascular, siempre presente por la importancia en su atencion por ser la primera causa de mortalidad en el mundo, vuelve a ser protagonista durante la pandemia: por la afectacion de COVID-19 a nivel cardiaco, por la afectacion de COVID-19 a pacientes con patologia de base cardiovascular, y por todos los pacientes cronicos donde la prevencion secundaria y terciaria y la deteccion precoz de complicaciones es clave para el control de su enfermedad, y durante estos dias puede verse afectada. El objetivo de este articulo es la recogida de las ultimas novedades sobre COVID-19 en Espana, a nivel epidemiologico y a nivel de los cuidados que precisan nuestros pacientes segun las recomendaciones de Sanidad y de las organizaciones cientificas, con la dificultad de que la informacion es constantemente cambiante segun pasan los dias y vamos conociendo nuevos datos sobre la pandemia. Los cuidados enfermeros son clave en el cuidado del paciente COVID-19, por ello se intenta facilitar las ultimas recomendaciones, con los cuidados generales al paciente con COVID-19 pero tambien centrados en el paciente cardiovascular. EnglishUnder the current situation of pandemic we are undergoing, where we are all learning together, researching together, taking care together, and at high speed, we need more than ever to gather the information that has been published so as to unify healthcare with the maximum scientific evidence. The cardiovascular patient, always being present due to the importance his/her caring has, as it is the leading cause of death worldwide, is again the protagonist during the pandemic: because of the effects of COVID-19 at heart level, because of the effects of COVID-19 in patients with a cardiovascular condition, and because of all chronic patients for whom secondary and tertiary prevention and early detection of complications are a key aspect for controlling their disease and during these days may become affected. The aim of this article is to gather the latest news on COVID-19 in Spain, both at the epidemiological level and in connection with the care our patients need in accordance with the recommendations given by the Health Service and by the scientific organizations, with the difficulty that the information is constantly changing as the days pass by and we continue learning about new data on the pandemic. Nursing care is a key aspect in caring the COVID-19 patient, hence we try to facilitate the latest recommendations, with the general care provided to the patient with COVID-19, but also focused on the cardiovascular patient.
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