separated overfire air system with a high setting for boilers pulverized coal combustion.

separate overfire air system with separate unsistema overfire air at high setting for combustion boilers for co elevated combustion boilers pulverized coal adjustment. A furnace (10) comprises an n pulverized coal. A furnace (10) comprises a series of lower compartments (18), which CSeries lower compartments (18), extending in a vertical arrangement; at menosxtienden in a vertical arrangement; at least one of the lower compartments (18) has one of the lower compartments (18) has one or more fuel nozzles (20) of funa or more fuel nozzles (20) tangentially introducing fuel to tangential elorma introduce fuel into the combustion chamber with an interior sCROLLING of the combustion chamber, with a displacement relative to a diagonal (DD), which pazamiento relative to a diagonal (DD), passing through the corners, opposite each other, dASA through the corners, opposite each other, of the combustion chamber. At least one of lose the combustion chamber. At least one of the lower compartments (18) has one or several lower compartments (18) has one or more air nozzles (22) that introduces air s air nozzles (22), which introduce the air so tangentially into the chamber deforms tangentially into the combustion chamber, along a direction of Despla combustion along an offset direction which is offset from the diagonal (DD) yzamiento is displaced the diagonal (DD) and on the same side of the direction of desplazamien on the same side of the traveling direction of the combustion of the fuel. Introto air fuel combustion. The air introduced tangentially and unburned fuel tangentially and deduced fuel burned so displaced produce a fireball of your displaced form a fireball produce turbulence (RB) within the combustion chamber. rbulencia (RB) within the combustion chamber. At least one overfire compartment at least one overfire compartment (24) has at least one air nozzle (40) pa (24) has at least one air nozzle (40) for injecting air, opposing the ball dera injecting air in opposition to the fireball turbulence (RB) and along a opu fire turbulence (RB) and along an opposite direction of travel, which is desplazesta displacement direction which is offset from the other side of the diagonal (DD), ada to the other side of the diagonal (DD), and this so that the injected air can and this such that the injected air can promote the evolution of the fireball turbupromover the evolution of turbulent fireball (RB) in an upward flow. lence (RB) in an upward flow.
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