Evaluation of therapeutic measures in toxicoseptic states

: Based on observations made in 112 cases of toxico-septic conditions that had developed in surgical and obstetrical conjunctures, the authors propose a unified codification of the major therapeutical means (etiologic therapy, general, non-specific and specific therapy, adapted for functions and organs). The removal, or surgical draining of the septic focus is the most efficient therapy of toxicoseptic conditions of surgical or obstetrical origin. Compared to this method all the other therapeutical methods are secondary or adjuvant. The authors have acquired a vast experience in the use of a device for peritoneal washing-draining in cases with toxico-septic syndrome of surgical and obstetrical origin. General, non-specific therapeutic measures for quantitative and qualitative maintenance of the internal environment of the organism are achieved with relatively large amounts of non-colloidal crystalloid isotonic solutions, administered over the entire duration of the toxico-septic condition. The importance of the specific therapy is stressed, adapted for functions and organs, stressing amost particularly the therapeutical measures in which the authors have acquired extensive experience.
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