Lenk-und Ruhezeiten im Personen-und Güterverkehr : Vergleich der neuen Verordnung (EG) Nr. 561/2006 mit der alten Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 3820/85

This report presents the social provisions of the EC decree no 561/2006 introduced by all EU member states on 11 April 2007. These changes are analyzed by comparison with the former EEC decree no 3820/85. Both decrees stipulate rules for driving periods, breaks in driving/rest periods as well as regulations for multiple driver arrangements both for freight and passenger transport. Our detailed analysis has shown that the new decree has only a marginal impact in selected instances. The abolition of the 12-day exception rule for passenger transport does, however, signify a fundamental reform. The expressly-stipulated limit of 56 hours per week for a driving period would appear not to have such a far-reaching effect since driving periods of more than 60 hours per week have been prohibited in line with the current rules for working hours.
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