A Cosmography of the Unknown. The qbḥw (nṯrw) Region of the Outer Sky in the Book of Nutوَصَفٌ لمكانٍ مجهولٍ في الكون: مِنْطَقَة (obḥw nṯrw) الوَاقِعَة في الْفَضَاءِ الْخَارِجِيّ فِي كِتَابِ نُوتْ

In the Book of Nut, the terms qbḥw and qbḥw nṯrw appear to designate a portion of the outermost fringes of the cosmos, to the north/north-west, where an opening of the Duat was located. This paper aims to explore the characterisation of that region, a topographical and cosmographical entity lying on the verge of this world and the next, by comparing the finds from the Book of Nut with the evidence from a Late period “map of cosmos”, on which a similar enigmatic label appears. This will provide a chance to reassess the characterisation of the cosmic boundaries of the world at the threshold of the Duat and the various regenerative scenarios conveyed by later cosmographic texts and representations.
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