Determining Mixing Rates from Concurrent Temperature and Velocity Measurements

AbstractOcean mixing has historically been estimated using Osborn’s model by measuring the rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy ϵ and the background density stratification N while assuming a value of the flux Richardson number . A constant is typically assumed, despite mounting field, laboratory, and modeling evidence that varies. This challenge can be overcome by estimating the turbulent diffusivity of heat using the Osborn–Cox model. This model, however, requires measuring the rate of dissipation of thermal variance χ, which has historically been challenging, particularly in energetic flows because the high wavenumbers of the temperature gradient spectra are unresolved with current technology. To overcome this difficulty, a method is described that determines χ by spectral fitting to the inertial-convective (IC) subrange of the temperature gradient spectra. While this concept has been exploited for moored time series, particularly near the bottom boundary, it has yet to be adapted to vertical...
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