Mutational spectra of the lacI transgene isolated from Big Blue{reg_sign} mice exposed to three carcinogenic aromatic amines

In order to evaluate the in vivo genotoxic potential of three putative genotoxic mouse liver carcinogens, high doses of 4-chloro-o-phenylenediamine, 2-nitro-p-phenylenediamine and 2, 4-diaminotoluene were tested short term in the Big Blue{reg_sign} transgenic mouse mutation assay. Small statistically significant increases in the lacI mutant frequencies in the liver by factors 1.7 to 2.0 were found. A representative number of 347 lacI mutants isolated from liver tissue of male and female animals were analyses by DNA sequencing. The mutational spectra were examined with the Adams-Skopek algorithm. The spontaneous mutational spectra from untreated male and female animals were similar and consistent with spectral Big Blue{reg_sign} control data stored in the lacI database. Most of the background mutations were located in the 5{prime} portion of the coding region of the lacI gene. Single base substitutions were most prominent. G:C to A:T transitions and G:C to T:A transversions occurred predominatly and were preferentially located at CpG sites. Despite the increases observed in the mutant frequencies of the treated animals, the corresponding mutational spectra did not differ from the controls. However, it is possible that certain classes of point mutations were substantially increased but not detected due to the limited number of sequenced mutants. Inmore » two animals treated with 2, 4- diaminotoluene unusually high mutant frequencies and the multiple occurrence of certain mutations in the liver was observed. From one of these animals six lacI mutants isolated from colon tissue were all different. Since 2, 4-diaminotoluene was shown to induce liver cell proliferation these results may reflect clonal expansion of single mutated liver cells.« less
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