Mix Trader Code at Rao Market in East Pasaman Regency

Language is a means of communication that has an important role in human life, Indonesian society not only uses formal Indonesian language, but also mother tongue or regional language, Indonesian society mostly uses Indonesian as a second language, and uses local language as the first language ". Mixing Indonesian with regional languages can lead to mixed codes. In this connection, this research aims to: (1) describe the direction of mixed codes used by traders in "PasarRaoKabupatenPasamanTimur" (2) describe the causes of mixed code in trader in "Rao Market East Pasaman District". In this study using two theories, namely sociolinguistics proposed by Nursaid and Maksan (2002) explaining sociolinguistics, the nature of code mixing, direction of code mixing and Rokhman (2013) explains that there are three reasons for mixing codes which are: (1) role identification, (2) identification of variety and (3) desire to explain and interpret. The type in this study is qualitative research that uses descriptive methods. The object of the research is the mixed code contained in the speech of traders in "PasarRaoPasaman Regency. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out in several stages. First, record the utterance between sellers and buyers in "RaoTimurPasaman market". Second, translate the speech into Indonesian. Third, classifying data based on theory into table form. The steps taken in analyzing the data are as follows: (1) classifying the forms of mixed language codes found, (2) explaining the causes of mixed codes and (3) concluding the results of the analysis obtained. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, the results of the study are as follows: The direction of mixed code found in this study is the direction of mixed code into (Indonesian with pure Minang dialect, Indonesian with the Minang dialect of Rao, and Indonesian with Mandailing dialect) as much 58 data mixed code and mixed code out (Indonesian with English and Indonesian with Arabic. Keywords: sociolinguistics. Mix code, said the trader in the Rao market
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