Analysis by EPR of the dosimetric properties of table sugar irradiated by X-rays, gamma rays and neutrons

Currently, a particular attention is paid to the development of dosimeters whose reading system is based on the physical principle of electron paramagnetic resonance ‘‘EPR”. This method has the advantage of being accurate and non-destructive. Dosimetric systems based on EPR can be used for monitoring and evaluation of the absorbed dose in ionizing radiation in the field of radiotherapy or radioprotection [1,2]. Preliminary studies realised on table sugar/EPR system showed an interesting dosimetric properties of this material in the field of radiotherapy [3]. To deepen the analysis of dosimetric properties of table sugar, in this work we present the results of the study carried out by EPR on table sugar irradiated by: ● Beams of photons X maximum energy 6 MeV and 18 MeV electrons from the braking of 6 MeV and 18 MeV in a linear accelerator installed in CHU of Casablanca, MAROCCO. ● Radiation emitted by a source gamma Cs-137 installed at Paul Strauss cancer center in Strasbourg, FRANCE. ● Neutron energy delivered by the cyclotron of Louvain-la-Neuve in BELGIUM. After irradiation of the sugar samples by these particles, with doses ranging from 0–20 Gy, EPR measurements carried out have revealed a complex spectrum due to the contribution of different free radicals produced by irradiation. the Analyze of the EPR measurements by peak to peak and double integration methods revealed that, in the case of different irradiating particles, calibration curves obtained as a function of radiation dose are quite linear. Good accuracy (error less than 5%) is observed for the various measures undertaken by RPE. The analysis results also show that sugar is more sensitive to X rays and gamma rays than neutrons. In conclusion, this study shows that table sugar presents the interesting dosimetric properties for its use in the field of radiotherapy.
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