Growth of the Eastern Quoll, Dasyurus viverrinus (Shaw), (Marsupialia) in Captivity

The growth and development, from 10 to 270 days old, of eastern quolls in a captive colony was recorded. Young were able to detach from the teat by 65 days of age and their eyes were open by 80 days. Statistically significant differences in some measurements from males and females were found as early as 85 days of age. The weaning period commenced at 102 days ofage, and coincided with eruption ofthe first molar teeth. Total independence, determined by the cessation of lactation in the mother, was as early as 142 days in litters of one or as late as 200 days in larger litters. There was a high correlation between litter size and age at independence. Lactation was maintained in all previously suckled mammary glands of adult females after the death of young aged 65 days or over if some siblings remained. This was due to the ability of young of this age to detach and reattach to the teats at will. The implication of this observation is that the commonly held view that the numbers of surviving young in marsupial litters corresponds to the number of lactating teats in the adult female may not always be correct.
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