Designing Wideband Patch Antenna by fusion of Complementary-Split Ring Resonator, Inter-digital Capacitor and Slot cutting Technique

An electrically small wideband patch antenna loaded with meta-material unit cell is proposed in this thesis. Meta-material unit cell is constructed by inter-digital capacitance (IDC) and rectangular slot on the patch and complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) etched on ground plane. The parametric analysis reveals that the electrical size of antenna becomes small by increasing inter-digital finger length, due to increase in series capacitance. The circulating current distribution across CSRR slot induces second radiation mode. The radiation modes resulting due to CSRR and inter-digital capacitor, overlaps by introducing rectangular slot, without any pattern distortion. This yields a wideband property regardless of small electrical size of the proposed antenna. We achieved a wide bandwidth of 780MHz, directional radiation pattern and moderate gain .
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