Chikyu Challenge to the unexpected deep earth-Drilling engineer's challenge to the deep scientific drilling-

The JAMSTEC deep water drill ship Chikyu has been completing the ODS (Overseas Drilling Shakedown) since construction including the Shimokita drilling shakedown (water depth : 1,180 m/Japan's deepest water drilling record establishment) which was completed between August and October 2006. Chikyu drilled safely offshore Kenya with the deepest water depth being 2,200 m, which became Chikyu's first drilling overseas. After the Kenya campaign, Chikyu moved to Australia and has been drilling oil and gas wells in Australia's North West shelf.It returns to the IODP schedule with the NanTroSEIZE scientific drilling to begin in Kumano Nada in Japan in September 2007 after the ODS ends, and Chikyu will finally debut to the international scene of IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program). Petroleum drilling engineers are now working for CDEX to execute the IODP scientific drilling operation for the Chikyu.
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