A positive association between resistance to ovine footrot and particular lymphocyte antigen types.

SUMMARY The distribution of 12 Class I ovine lymphocyte antigens (OLA) was examined in 4 flocks of sheep vaccinated against and/or challenged with Bacteroides nodosus, the transmitting agent of footrot. In a flock of 47 Corriedales in New Zealand, which had been specially bred for resistance to footrot, a higher frequency (70.2%) of OLA type SY6 was found compared with 42.9% in 49 unselected Corriedale sheep (P = 0.001) The serum antibody response of 12 selected Corriedale ewes was compared with that of 12 unselected ewes of the same age after vaccination with a multivalent footrot vaccine and the selected ewes had significantly (P = 0.01) higher agglutinin titres than the unselected ewes, 7 weeks after vaccination. In 3 trials involving 108, 120 and 135 Australian Merinos in Victoria, SYlb was associated with a reduction in the number of feet affected with severe footrot (P = 0.05, P = 0.01, P = 0.02) and in 2 of the trials there was a relationship between SY6 and high vaccinal agglutinin titres. This SY6 effect was evident in the first trial 31 days after primary vaccination (P = 0.05) and again 20 days later after secondary vaccination (P = 0.01). In the second trial, when the sheep were vaccinated 49 days after challenge, an association was again found between SY6 and high agglutinin titres (P = 0.05) after primary but not after secondary vaccination. Exposure of 157 vaccinated Merino rams to B. nodosus during a footrot outbreak in New South Wales also showed an association between low infection and SY6 and SYlb. Field challenge of 130 Merino wethers in another independent trial again showed significant associations between low footscore and SYlb at 4 weeks (P = 0.05), 7 months (P = 0.02) and 12 months (P = 0.05) after challenge. The results suggest that lymphocyte antigen type is a significant factor in the susceptibility or resistance of sheep to footrot and the evidence reported here implies that SY6 is associated with high responsiveness to vaccination and SYlb with resistance to footrot.
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