Experiences of Running an Anxiety Management Group for People with a Learning Disability Using a Cognitive Behavioural Intervention.

Accessible summary • We ran a group for 6 people with a learning disability who worry a lot. The group  last for 12 weeks and each person in the group brought someone with them. • People said they found the group helpful. People said they learnt ways to cope  when they get worried. • This research will help staff to think about how they can help people who worry a  lot. More research is needed to find out which bits of the group were most helpful. Summary An anxiety management group utilizing a cognitive behavioural intervention, of 12 weeks duration, for six people with mild to moderate learning disabilities is described. A number of techniques to assist in developing clients’ understanding of their anxiety, cognitive and behavioural coping strategies and maximizing generalizability of skills learnt were implemented. Outcome measures demonstrated that two participants showed a clinically significant reduction in anxiety levels. Qualitative feedback from both participants and carers suggested that all group members developed coping strategies. Measures also indicated that carers demonstrated a better understanding of the individual's difficulties and were able to support them more effectively. Adopting a cognitive behavioural approach proved valuable and recommendations for future interventions are made.
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