Microstructure and oxidation behavior of Ti(C,N)-based cermets with in situ synthesized Ni3Al phase

Abstract Ni 3 Al phase was synthesized by in-situ reaction of Ni binder and AlN addition during liquid phase sintering. The microstructure and properties of the Ni 3 Al-containing Ti(C,N)-based cermets were investigated. The hardness of the cermet increased after addition of 2.5 wt%AlN due to the solid-solution strengthening effect of Ni 3 Al, and further addition of AlN yielded coarser core-rim grains and decrease of hardness. The transverse rupture strength declined rapidly after addition of 5 wt% AlN, which was attributed to the increase of porosity. After static oxidation at 900 °C, the mass gain of the cermet without AlN addition increased rapidly with oxidation time and followed a quasi-parabolic law. After addition of 2.5 wt%AlN, both mass gain and oxidation rate declined obviously, and the oxidation kinetics curve still presented a quasi-parabolic law. The mass gain increased slightly after addition of 5.0 wt% AlN, and larger addition of AlN up to 7.5 wt% resulted in the changing of oxidation kinetics to a linear law. At 900 °C, the Ti(C,N)-based hard phase and Ni binder phase in the cermet all suffered serious oxidation. The Ti(C,N)-based hard phase was mainly oxidized to TiO 2 , and Ni binder transformed to complex oxides such as Ni 3 TiO 7 and NiTiO 3 . As for the cermet with 2.5 wt% AlN addition, the oxidation behavior showed much difference. Though Ni 3 Al- containing binder was oxidized to Ni 3 TiO 7 and NiAl 2 O 4 , both the intermediate oxidation product of Ti(C,N) hard phase, i.e. Ti(O 0.19 ,C 0.53 ,N 0.32 ) and Ni 3 Al remained stable after dwelling for 4 h. The oxide layer on the cermet with 2.5 wt% AlN addition appeared to be dense and protective, which inhibited the diffusion of oxygen into the cermet and improved the oxidation resistance of the cermets.
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