Evaluation of Diet and Life Style in the Etiopathogenesis of Type - 2 Diabetes

The response to the psychological conditions varies person to person because each has different bodily and psychic constitution. Moreover, stressors play certain role in the development, progression, prognosis and treatment of disease. Stressful life-style affects one's mind and homeostasis of body by several psychosomatic mechanisms. Many psychosomatic disorders are wing sprouted-up with genetic disposition. Type-2 diabetes is one of such diseases, which is adversely affected by disturbed psychological conditions. Survey of 279 type-2 diabetes mellitus patients revealed that majority of the patients were taking milk, followed by curd, cheese, butter etc. Moreover, majority of patients had improper sleep and more than 3/4th female patients had attained menopause with negative mental attitude. These diabetic subjects had worry, depressed mood, anger, fear, apprehension and anxiousness up to a great extent. On Brief Psychiatry Rating Scale, psychological factors affected at various levels include: somatic concern, anxiety, emotional withdrawal, conceptual disorganization, tension, unusual thought content, excitement, disorientation etc. The data reflects that defective diet and disturbed mental health play an important role in etiopathogenesis of diabetes mellitus.
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