Effect of Different Formulations of Silver Sulphadiazine Cream on experimentally Induced Burn Wound Healing

To study the healing effect of various formulations of silver sulfadiazine cream of Apex laboratories Chennai, on experimentally induced burn wound in male Wistar rats in comparison to Silverex.Partial thickness burn wounds were inflicted on Wistar rats (180-200g)under pentabarbitone anesthesia (30mg/kg/i.p), By pouring hot molten wax at 80C into a metal cylinder of 300mm 2 placed on shaven back of the rat and were divided into 5 groups (n=10). Group 1 did not receive any drug and served as control group. Group 2, 3 and 4 were applied topically silver sulfadiazine A, B, C creams of Apex lab and group 5 Silverex AV creams once daily for 21 days or till complete healing whichever was earlier and results were analyzed by one way ANOVA.Mean period of epithelialization was found to decrease significantly in silver sulfadiazine C treated group when compared to control and it is in line with Silverex. Wound contraction was significantly better in silver sulfadiazine A, B, and C treated groups in comparison to the control groups.In the present study Silver sulfadiazine C is superior to other
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