Introducao: as doencas reumaticas apresentam manifestacoes musculoesqueleticas e sistemicas que podem acometer quaisquer regioes do corpo. No caso das maos, uma das manifestacoes e a diminuicao da forca de preensao palmar destes individuos. Objetivo: verificar os efeitos da cinesioterapia sobre a forca de preensao palmar em individuos com doencas reumaticas. Material e metodos: estudo longitudinal e intervencionista com 24 individuos portadores de doencas reumaticas (osteoartrite, artrite reumatoide, fibromialgia, lupus eritematoso sistemico, esclerose sistemica e dermatopolimiosite), com idade media de 50,23 anos. Os individuos realizaram 10 sessoes de fisioterapia, baseadas em cinesioterapia, com exercicios globais e funcionais, 02 vezes por semana, com duracao media de 50 minutos, de marco de 2014 a novembro de 2015, na Clinica de Fisioterapia da Universidade de Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo/RS. As avaliacoes inicial e final envolveram a coleta de dados e a mensuracao da forca de preensao palmar, por meio da dinamometria manual. Resultados: observou-se que os individuos apresentaram melhora da forca de preensao palmar, porem os resultados foram estatisticamente significativos apenas para a mao direita dos individuos com osteoartrite, para ambas as maos dos individuos com artrite reumatoide e lupus eritematoso sistemico e para a forca de preensao palmar geral dos individuos. Conclusao: o protocolo fisioterapeutico proposto produziu aumento da forca de preensao palmar de individuos com doencas reumaticas. Palavras-chave : Forca da mao. Doencas reumaticas. Fisioterapia. Reabilitacao. Exercicio. ABSTRACT: Introduction: rheumatic diseases present musculoskeletal and systemic manifestations that can affect any region of the body. In the case of the hands, one of the manifestations is the decrease of the handgrip strength of these individuals. Aim: to verify the effects of kinesiotherapy on handgrip strength in individuals with rheumatic diseases. Material and methods: longitudinal and interventional study with 24 individuals with rheumatic diseases (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis and dermatopolymyositis), mean age 50.23 years. The individuals performed 10 sessions of physiotherapy, based on kinesiotherapy, with global and functional exercises, 02 times a week, with an mean duration of 50 minutes, from March 2014 to November 2015, at the Physiotherapy Clinic of Passo Fundo University, Passo Fundo/RS. The initial and final evaluations involved data collection and measurement of handgrip strength using manual dynamometry. Results: it was observed that the individuals presented improvement of the handgrip strength, but the results were statistically significant only for the right hand of individuals with osteoarthritis, for both hands of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus and for the handgrip strength of individuals. Conclusion: the proposed physiotherapeutic protocol produced an increase in the handgrip strength of individuals with rheumatic diseases. Keywords: Hand strength. Rheumatic diseases. Physical therapy specialty. Rehabilitation. Exercise.
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