Spotlighting the sensitivities of T2HK,T2HKK and DUNE

Neutrino oscillation physics has entered the precision era and the potential forthcoming experiments Hyper-Kamiokande and Deep Under-ground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) are expected to lead this endeavor. In this paper we perform a comprehensive study of the octant, mass hierarchy and CP discovery sensitivities of DUNE, T2HK & T2HKK in their individual capacity and investigate the synergies of the aforementioned experiments with the on going T2K and NO$\nu$A experiments. We present a comparative account of the probabilities at the three baselines and explore in detail the physics issues which can cause the discrepancies in the sensitivities among the different experiments. We also find out the optimal exposure required by these experiments for achieving $5\sigma$ hierarchy and octant sensitivity and to discover CP violation at $3\sigma$ for 60\% values of $\delta_{CP}$. In addition we vary the neutrino-antineutrino runtime ratios for T2HK & T2HKK and check if the sensitivities are affected significantly due to this.
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