Semantic differential of time among women affected with disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus

Аbstract. The possibility of using the semantic differential of time for revealing the prevailing, including the little-understood, tendencies in the actual mental state and the relation of the individual to reality is known, since it is known that the unity of the individual in the destiny of man is realized by the semantic unity of the past, present and future time in their subjective differentiated meaning. The differences in the perception of the past, present and future time by patients in the dynamics of their disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus have been revealed depending on the receipt of antiretroviral therapy. The study of time factors allowed to differentiate the features of the mental state of these women in the dynamics of the disease. It is established that the ideas about the future of the time in healthy and sick persons in the period of relative remission of their disease are similar. It is characterized by them in a single semantic structure. However, the existing differences in comparing the perception of future factors by patients and practically healthy women suggest that patients have a higher motivational component for the future. The mechanisms of the formation of those components of self-awareness (knowledge and understanding of oneself) in women affected with disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, which are related to the concepts and properties of psychological time, are specified and concretized. The results obtained can be used to predict psycho-social adaptation of patients in the dynamics of the disease. This is a prerequisite for conducting preventive psychological measures to reduce the risk of negative clinical dynamics of the disease, primarily because the patient is not just a complex combination of various pathological and pathophysiological processes, but first of all a person is a person in need of a return to full biological and social activity.
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