Decisional Information System for the “NWA” Meteorites

Since 1999, the number of meteorites found in the Northwest of Africa (Morocco, Mauritania, Mali and Algeria) has seen a considerable increase. Being responsible for the approval of new meteorites and meteorite names, the Nomenclature Committee of the “Meteoritical Society” reacted promptly and classified these meteorites under the acronym “NWA” (North West Africa). As a result, 92% of the meteorites of this region are classified under this nomenclature. Then, this acronym undermines the meteoritic heritage of Morocco and its neighboring countries. We tried to contextualize the 5678 of NWA meteorites finds until their official declaration dated 31st December 2014, by attributing to every meteorite the harvest place and an appropriate name. To better manage the information about these meteorites and allow the feasibility of the detailed studies on their characteristics, we have created a business intelligence (BI) information system constituted by a data warehouse with two user interfaces: desktop and WEB.
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