Magnetic field effect on blood pressure regulation.

: The present results are a continuation of our experiments demonstrating the fact that the local action of a permanent magnetic field (PMF) with an intensity of 0.2 T on the rabbits carotid sinus area under pentobarbital anaesthesia has a hypotensive effect under normotonic conditions (Gmitrova et al. 1987). The aim of this paper was to investigate the PMF influence on the carotid sinus region during artificial hypotension in rabbits. The experiments were carried out in rabbits under pentobarbital anaesthesia under hypotonic conditions caused by electrostimulation of the right depressor nerve. Blood pressure, heart rate and respiration rate changes were monitored before the application of PMF (0.2 T intensity) on the sinocarotid region, during the "on" effect of PMF, under the PMF action, during the PMF "off" effect and after PMF application. PMF significantly decreased the depressor effect of depressor nerve electrostimulation in contrast to the condition of normotonia, where PMF had a hypotensive effect.
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