Producto turístico cultural artesanal en Morroa y Sampués Sucre-Colombia

espanolEste trabajo presenta el diseno de un producto turistico cultural artesanal, desde la asociatividad, a partir de referencias bibliograficas; busca potenciar la conservacion de la cultura, identidad y tradicion artesanal puesta en valor, con una caracterizacion de las asociaciones en los municipios de Morroa (Sucre-Montes de Maria- Colombia) y Sampues (Sucre-Colombia); pretende aportar para la dinamizacion del desarrollo de la comunidad, mediante vinculos economicos y sociales entre artesanias y turismo. La metodologia es la propuesta en Colombia, por el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, junto al criterio de otros autores como Szmulewicz y la interpretatividad segun Zamorano. El producto se diseno con dialogos y talleres entre todos los actores involucrados, buscando desde la colectividad fortalecer la gremialidad e identificando los atractivos artesanales de mayor influencia cultural, tejeduria en telar: hamacas, mochilas, bolsos, caminos de mesa, tejeduria en cana flecha: sombrereria, “Sombrero Vueltiao”, bolsos, billeteras y la artesania tradicional popular en curtiembre o teneria: abarca tradicional. La caracterizacion permitio identificar que los artesanos son integrantes de la etnia Zenu, madres cabeza de familia, desplazados y victimas de la violencia; los resultados incluyen sugerencias de sostenibilidad mediante imagen de marca, buenas practicas y propuesta tecnica con mobiliario arquitectonico de bajo costo, facil para implementar, teniendo en cuenta normativas ambientales, movilidad, exhibicion, ventas e interaccion del turista con los artesanos locales. EnglishThis study shows a design of an artisan cultural tourism product from the perspective of the associativity, based on bibliographical references. It seeks to promote the preservation of culture, identity and tradition of crafts as well as to contribute to the improvement of community development, through economic and social links between handicrafts and tourism, by making a characterization of the different Craft and Artisans Associations in the municipalities of Morroa (Montes de Maria region) and Sampues, Colombia. The study followed the methodology proposed by the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, together with the criteria of other authors such as Szmulewicz and the concept of interpretativity according to Zamorano. The final product was designed based on dialogues and workshops among all the actors involved, seeking from the two communities, to strengthen the unions and identifying the most culturally influential artisan attractions, such as loom weaving: hammocks, backpacks, handbags, table roads, cane weaving arrow: Headgear, "Sombrero Vueltiao", wallets and traditional folk handicrafts in tannery or tannery: traditional handmade sandals called “Abarcas”. The characterization allowed to identify that the artisans belong to the Zenu ethnic group, mothers head of family, displaced and victims of the violence, as well as mothers head of family, displaced people and some other victims of the violence. The results of the study include suggestions for the Craft and Artisans Associations of sustainability such as brand image, good practices and technical proposal with low cost architectural furniture, easy to implement, taking into account environmental regulations, mobility, exhibition, sales and tourist interaction with local artisans.
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