Модели послевоенного восстановления городов: исторический опыт и уроки

Purpose: a review of international experience to identify the main models of the initial restoration of cities destroyed during the Second World War. Cities, regions and countries affected by military destruction are now called conflict and post-conflict (UN terminology). The study is extremely relevant for modern conflict regions, including Syria, which has begun to rebuild the capital (Damascus) and the largest and most destroyed city in the country – Aleppo. Materials and methods. Features of the post-war reconstruction of cities are described in the classic textbooks on the history of architecture and urban planning, confirmed by documents and photographs. Maps with assessments of the destroyed buildings of Syrian cities are presented in the UN Atlas (2019). Extensive initial information was systematized according to the key geographical (spatial) parameters of urban restoration: planning features (a plan form and a planning form with options for pre-war restoration and redevelopment), building density and basic building styles. An attempt was made to identify the main spatial models of post-conflict reconstruction of cities. Results. The typology of spatial models for the restoration of cities is a kind of urban development determinant for the formation of the concept of post-conflict reconstruction of cities – the “command centers” of national and regional settlement. This makes it possible to choose the options of restoration, taking into account the national specifics of urban planning. Findings. The typology of models of post-conflict reconstruction of cities showed only a few typical examples, it is open for additions. The main lessons of the initial restoration of Syrian cities can already be determined on the basis of international experience: priority restoration of less destroyed residential buildings, modern buildings on restoration sites, restoration and preservation of historic city centers, restoration according to new master plans (redevelopment), construction in urban suburbs well-maintained villages to curb the emergence and growth of informal settlements. There will be no rapid large-scale restoration of cities. The restoration of historical monuments has been postponed. In terms of basic elements, this is the German reconstruction model (in Germany, the restoration of the pre-war image of cities is ongoing).
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