京东商城自营物流与第三方物流顾客满意度比较分析 Comparative Analysis of Customer Satisfaction of the Self-Operated Logistics and Third-Party Logistics of JD.com

京东商城作为我国第二大电商,在我国B2C市场占有率上仅次于天猫。近些年来,京东商城还在不断提高自身规模和市场占有率。物流作为电商行业中的重要一环,有着非常重要的位置,在电商与消费者之间起到了桥梁的作用。目前,京东商城所使用的物流配送方式为京东自营物流与第三方物流相结合的方式。现如今,物流服务质量的高与低,对于电商企业来说有着非常重要的作用,快速便捷的物流,可以增加顾客的满意度,同时也能为企业赢得较高的业内口碑。京东商城作为我国目前B2C市场上知名度较高的电商,其物流配送方式也比较有代表性。本文通过顾客满意度问卷调查的形式,使用对比分析的方法研究京东商城自营物流与第三方物流这两种物流配送方式。前期通过发放问卷的形式,进行顾客满意度调查,并进行数据收集。通过数据进行比较分析,找出这两种物流配送方式与顾客期望的差距,同时对两种配送方式进行对比分析,提出合理化意见与建议。 JD.com is China’s second largest electricity business in China’s B2C market share after the TMALL.com. In recent years, JD.com also constantly improves their size and market share. Logistics as an important part of the electricity business has a very important position. And it plays a bridge between the electricity business and the customers. At present, JD.com used the logistics and distribution for the JD self-logistics and third-part logistics combination of the way. Now, the quality of the logistics services has a very important role for the electricity business enterprise. Fast and convenient logistics can increase customer satisfaction, and for enterprises to win a higher reputation in the industry. JD.com as China’s current B2C market, the higher visibility of the electricity business, the logistics and distribution methods are representative. This paper through the customer satisfaction survey form uses the comparative analysis to study the two logistics and distribution methods through the questionnaires, carrying out customer satisfaction surveys, data collection. By using the comparative analysis of the data to find out the gap between the two logistics distribution methods and customer expectations, while the two distribution methods for the comparative analysis, we put forward some advices and suggestions.
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