Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Dengan Dosis Berbeda Untuk Pertumbuhan Chlorella SP

The Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) hight nutrients and can be used as a source of nutrients for growth microalgae such as chlorella sp. A research aims to understand the ifluence of giving the Liquid Organic Fertilizer for growth chlorella sp, as well as seeking cocentration the Liquid Organic Fertilizer for growth chlorella sp, and see the growth of microlas with the availability of nutrients (N and P) contained with in Liquid Organic Fertilizer. The reseach imlemented on the month October-November 2017 in the Laboratory Faculty Agriculture University Islam Riau. The reseach uses complete randomized design (RAL) with two reseacth phase that is preliminary test for four treatment applied, 5cc, 10cc, 15cc and 20cc and main research four treatment applied 2,5cc, 5cc, 7,5cc and 10cc with three repetitions. Parameters measured were the abudance and biomass of chlorella sp, temperature, pH, nitrate and phosphate. The highest abundance chlorella sp, reach 7.966.667 cell/ml at a P2 with concentration Liquid Organic Fertilizer 5cc other than that P2 also produce production highest biomass (3,46 g/l) temperature on culture medium ranget between 26-30oC and the highest pH parameter exixts at P2 with number 8.
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