Four years validation of a decision support for optimising herbicide dose in winter cereal under Spanish conditions

espanolEl CPOWeeds es una version del Crop Protection Online danes puesto a punto para las condiciones del noroeste (NE) de Espana. Las eficacias predichas por el programa se han validado en ensayos en cereal de invierno desde 2010 a 2013. Las predicciones dadas por el CPOWeeds se han comprobado para nueve especies de malas hierbas en diferentes estadios fenologicos y en el 84,2% de los casos las eficacias han sido iguales o superiores a las predichas. Se concluye que el uso del CPOWeeds permite optimizar la aplicacion de herbicidas con una gran robustez. Las recomendaciones son satisfactorias para el NE de Espana y se puede disminuir la cantidad de herbicidas aplicados hasta en un 30%. Por tanto, se trata de una herramienta muy importante en el Manejo Integrado de Malas Hierbas. EnglishCPOWeeds is a version of Danish Crop Protection online adjusted to conditions in North-eastern Spain. The predicted efficacies and the yield obtained with CPOWeeds were validated in winter cereal field trials from 2010 to 2013. The predictions from CPOWeeds were compared to the actually achieved efficacies in the field trials for the nine weed species at different developmental stages and for 84.2% of the comparisons the obtained efficacies were equal to or higher than predicted. It was concluded that the use of CPOWeeds allowed optimisation of the herbicide application with a very high robustness. The recommendations were satisfactorily for the conditions of the Northeast of Spain and have the potential to decrease the amount of applied herbicides by at least 30%. Therefore, it can be an important tool in Integrated Weed Management.
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