Noxious effect of intrauterine devices (IUD) on the development of concomitant pregnancy

: In recent years medical literature has regularly noted cases of infections and complications, sometimes even fatal, that develop in women who wear an IUD. Barrat and Fagner observed 29 cases of serious infections of the reproductive system, 12 with pelveoperitonitis, 7 with adenexitis and 10 with endometritis. Christian records 5 deaths and 7 serious cases of infection in pregnant women who were wearing the IUD Dalcon. General symptoms appeared prior to the evident signs of infection in the reproductive system. He stresses the need to carefully monitor IUD users who become pregnant, particularly to be on the alert for apparent "cold symptoms" such as a sore throat, slightly higher body temperature and general ill feeling. Over a 2 yr period Mead observed 10 miscarriages, 9 of which occurred with the presence of an IUD (Dalcon). During the same period, he treated 63 patients for infections in the reproductive system. 26 were IUD users. In Poland most IUD users already have children and usually request an abortion if pregnancy develops. At the Obstetrics Hospital in Strzelnie, the author observed 125 IUD users over a period of 4892 menstrual cycles, during which 21 pregnancies developed. 19 women requested an abortion; 2 continued the pregnancy to delivery. Patient R.B., 27 yrs old, learned that she was in her 16 week of pregnancy. She was hospitalized during the 2nd trimester due to lower abdominal pains and some swelling. She gave birth to a healthy 4359 gr baby naturally. The IUD was ejected during early labor. Patient W.B., 38 yrs old, learned she was 15 weeks pregnant and was hospitalized due to low back pains and heavy bleeding (uterine contractions every 5-8 minutes). There were blood clots in the vagina as well as the whole IUD, which was removed at this time. She carried the pregnancy full term giving birth to a 3900 gr infant. In view of his observations and recorded cases, the author stresses the need to extend special care to expectant mothers who are IUD users.
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