Реформа системи науково-освітнього забезпечення аграрного сектору України (за матеріалами соціологічного дослідження)

The article aims to study the public opinion on the efficiency of the state policy of reforming the agrarian education and research in Ukraine within the socio-professional segment of individuals dealing with research and science and technology. The study utilized the methods of collection, processing, and analysis of sociological information to determine the opinion of individuals dealing with research and science and technology about the government’s steps in the area of innovative development of the system of the research and educational support of the agrarian economy; solving the problems associated with institutionalization of the intellectual property within the system of the research and educational support of the agrarian economy; formation of a network of integrated educational and operational platforms in the agrarian economy. The study substantiates the reasonability of holding sociological studies to research the reaction of socio-professional groups to the macroeconomic policy of the state with a view to avoiding conflicts of interests of the parties and ensuring more effective implementation of the governmental policies.
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