Investigation of Air Dustiness in Production

Abstruct - Characteristics for spots of dust formation during treatment of mountain mass on building crushed rock and the reasons of high dustiness of air on sorting crushing spaces of production of nonmetallic construction materials was considered. In production and treatment of nonmetallic construction materials the spech place is occupied by questions of struggle against a dustiness of air on crushing-sorting spaces. Dustiness of air influences not only on work environment and reduces delivery capacity up to 25 %, but also in some cases leads to serious professional pulmonary diseases, including a silicosis. In production of crushed rock general mass of dust aerosol is formed during crushing out. The part of an aerosol undcr impact of directed flows is taken out of workrooms, air. Moreover sanitary-hygienic conditions of work for the personnel aren'? normal. Other part, not the laden down in devices of dust precipitation, is thrown out at atmosphere by systems of an aspiration and pollutes air
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