Molecular genetics of mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum which fail to fix nitrogen

Mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum which failed to fix nitrogen within nodules on peas were isolated following the insertion of the transposon Tn5 into pRL1JI, a Rhizobium plasmid known to carry the genes for nitrogenase. The sites of the Tn5 insertions were identified by restriction endonuclease mapping of cloned fragments of DNA from the mutant strains. One group of mutants was located within 4 kilobases of the structural genes for nitrogenase and another was located about 30 kilobases from this region. Two mutants from the first group, one of which appeared to be affected in a nitrogenase gene, induced nodules that contained bacterioids, but the number of plant cells containing bacteroids was less than in a normal nodule. Another group of mutants, which was located about 30 kilobases from the nitrogenase genes failed to form bacterioids. Electron microscopy of the nodules induced by these mutants indicated that there was a defect in their release from infection threads.
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