A study on crown interception with four dominant tree species: a direct measurement

An experiment was conducted to concentrate on the rainfall interception process of individual trees for four common species in Beijing, China, which included needle species ( Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tabulaeformis ) and broadleaf species ( Quercus variabilis and Acer truncatum ). Two types of interception storages, the maximum ( Cmax ) and the minimum interception storage ( Cmin ), were examined at four simulated rainfall intensities (from 11.7 to 78.5 mm h−1). Results showed that an average of 91% of Cmax for all the species was intercepted during the first 10 minutes of rainfall, while 45% of Cmax drained off after rainfall cessation. Leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area (LA) were significantly correlated ( p < 0.05) with Cmax and Cmin , while such significant correlations were not found between rainfall intensity and Cmax and Cmin . Average Cmax and Cmin across all the species corresponded to 3 and 1% of gross rainfall. Mean Cmax and Cmin of the needle species were 3.0 and 1.8 times larger than that for the broadleaf ones. Results revealed that interception was a dynamic process which encompassed three phases. In addition, LAI and LA were valid predictors of interception in small trees, and deserve further test in forest stands.
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