Tools for grid deployment of CDF offline and SAM data handling systems for summer 2004 computing

The Fermilab CDF Run-II experiment is now providing official support for remote computing, which has provided approximately 35% of the total CDF computing capacity during the summer of 2004. We face the challenge of unreliable networks, time differences, and remote managers having little experience with this particular software. The approach we have taken has been to separate the data handling components from the main CDF offline code releases by means of shared libraries, permitting live upgrades to otherwise frozen code. We now use a special 'development lite' release to ensure that all sites have the latest tools available. We have put substantial effort into revision control, so that essentially all active CDF sites are running exactly the same SAM code. MONITORING TOOLS We have created lightweight testing and monitoring tools to assure that these sites are in fact functional when installed. These are used in conjunction with externally developed tools such as Ganglia. SAM TV allows a user or SAM Shifter to see the details of any registered SAM Station, the projects presently running, the file transfers taking place, and the status of each process. DCAF monitoring allows all the batch queues for each DCAF site to be viewed, giving usage plots.
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