Soliton-type waves of reflection and conduction in metals at static loading as a possible tool of precatastrophic damage indications

Waves of change of reflection and conduction (WCRC) were suggested at Boulder-1997 as a new phenomenon for precatastrophic indications of laser damage in IR transparent semiconductors. It turned out from results of K. B. Abramova's team (many publications since 1971) that the WCRC-components are exciting in different metals mechanically by flat shock or static load. The velocity measurements were obtained from photomultiplier evolution of visible emission (mechanoluminescence) of the samples. Rapid deformation (approximately 10 -4 s) of Cu-sample by subsonic body excited 5-th WCRC component (U 5 approximately 0.08 km/s). Slow (approximately 400 s) change of the load from 3 to 8 tons (when destruction happened) gave 65% increasing of 20-th WCRC-component (U 20 approximately 0.33 cm/s) in the case of Cu-sample. It gives again the possibility to develop the technique for the remote nondestructive precatastrophic indications of damage, now in metals. The work was done with financial support by RFBR, project 00-02-17249-(a), and by KIE.
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