Method and system for multimedia conferencing access network

A method of accessing network media conference, comprising: receiving, by a controller (102) switching a call request from a terminal (103) quellama; determining, by a controller (102) switching, if an identification, ID, user terminalllamado in the call request is a host ID of default user can initiate a conference accesspoint flow; send the call request to the terminal (104) host corresponding to an ID anfitrionpredeterminado user if the user ID of the called terminal included in the call request is an ID usuarioanfitrion default is capable of initiating the flow of access to a conference ; requesting, by the terminal (104) host, a user terminal (104) host that choose the deconferencias list to the terminal (103) caller will be connected when a conference system allows alterminal (104) host coordinate multiple conferences at the same time; receive a notice to allow connection terminal (103) that calls a conference, where it generates elaviso according to the user selection of the host terminal and returned by the host terminal, and avisocomprende a command code for connecting the terminal (103) that calls the conference, an ID terminal's user (104) host, user ID of the terminal (103) calls and conference ID of conferenciaseleccionada user terminal (104) host when the system allows the terminal (104) coordinarmultiples host conferences at the same time; and connecting, by a controller (102) switching the terminal (103) that calls the conferenciacontrolada by the terminal (104) host.
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