Towards a novel stellar opacity measurement scheme using stability properties of double ablation front structures

A novel method for bringing sample elements to hydrodynamic conditions relevant to the base of the solar convection zone is investigated. The method is designed in the framework of opacity measurements and exploits the temporal and spatial stability of hydrodynamic parameters in counter-propagating Double Ablation Front (DAF) structures. The physics of symmetric DAF structures is first studied in 1D geometries to assess the influence of tracer layers in the target. These results are used to propose an experimental design compatible with the OMEGA [Boehly et al., Opt. Commun. 133(1-6), 495–506 (1997)] laser. Radiative-hydrodynamic simulations conducted using the Chic code [Breil et al., Comput. Fluids 46, 161–167 (2011).] in 2D-axisymmetric geometries suggest that a Fe sample can be brought to an electron temperature of ∼160 eV and electron number density of ∼1.35 × 1023 cm−3. These parameters are reached during a 500 ps window with temporal variations of the order of 10 eV and 1022 cm−3, respectively. Thi...
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