Prof. Masao Ota: “The Consequence of both Science and Art is Global and Humanitarian”@@@科学も芸術も其の結果は世界的のものであり人道的のものである

: Masao Ota was a Professor of Dermatology at Tokyo Imperial University. He is known to dermatologists around the world as the researcher who identified Nevus of Ota. He is also known for his research on Hansen's Disease. He was critical of the forced isolation policy and the sterilization law. He dreamt of developing chemotherapeutic measures and dedicated himself to cultivating Mycobacterium leprae. Among his accomplishments, those in the area of medical mycology are particularly remarkable. His discovery of Microsporum ferrugineum, his proposal for Trichophytia pompholyciformis, and his work on Ota-Langeron taxonomy based on the findings on fungus colonies are highly regarded and earned him the Ordre Royale de la Legion D'honneur. His accomplishments in the field of mycology are numerous; he has published a total of 39 research papers mostly in foreign languages. He was a leading world-class medical mycologist of his day. This review introduces some of his accomplishments and some episodes in his life.Furthermore, Masao Ota had a detailed knowledge of art and culture. Under the pseudonym of Kinoshita Mokutaro, he wrote poems, plays, and novels. He was also a painter. Particularly, his paintings in botany during his later years were published in the book "One Hundred Flower Sketches" after his death.Ota said, "The consequence of both science and art is global and humanitarian." He was one of the greatest men of culture in his time.
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