Дослідження біосенсорної реакції клітинних субстанцій на випромінювання імпульсного газорозрядного генератора для інформаційно-хвильової терапії

Introduction. The biological effects are characterized by a range of millimeter waves in the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation of high frequency. This is due to the fact that the membranes of living cells with dipole oscillate in the millimeter frequency range. The aim. The aim is cell structures using as biosensors of natural electromagnetic radiation in millimeter range with extremely low intensity for the energy and spectral characteristics evaluation of the discharge pulse generator for information-wave therapy. The experimental technique. The study was conducted «in vitro». The suspension of bone marrow cells of rats in saline was the object of irradiation. One of the cell suspensions was seen, as a control and the other three parts were subjected to irradiation of 10, 20 and 30 minutes. The relative number of dead cells was determined in the control sample and the sample irradiated at 30, 60 and 90 minutes as the characteristics of biosensor response. Results of the study. The relative number of dead cells in the irradiated sample is almost twice lower than for the control for all three exposures. Thus, the impact generated electro-magnetic radiation enhances the viability of bone marrow cells of rats. Conclusions. The experiments indirectly support the structure of the frequency spectrum of electromagnetic radiation discharge pulse generator. Also the theoretical possibility of biosensors constructing based on cell structures can be mentioned for registration superweak radiation in millimeter range.
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