Isolation, screening and identifi cation of Bacillus spp. as direct-fed microbial candidates for aflatoxin B 1 biodegradation

Objective: To evaluate the ability of Bacillus spp. as direct-fed microbials(DFM) to biodegrade al atoxin B1(AFB1) by using an in vitro digestive model simulating in vivo conditions.Methods: Sixty-nine Bacillus isolates were obtained from intestines, and soil samples were screened by using a selective media method against 0.25 and 1.00 μg/m L of AFB1 in modii ed Czapek-Dox medium. Plates were incubated at 37 °C and observed every two days for two weeks. Physiological properties of the three Bacillus spp. candidates were characterized biochemically and by 16 S r RNA sequence analyzes for identii cation. Tolerance to acidic p H, osmotic concentrations of Na Cl, bile salts were tested, and antimicrobial sensitivity proi les were also determined. Bacillus candidates were individually sporulated by using a solid fermentation method and combined. Spores were incorporated into 1 of 3 experimental feed groups: 1) Negative control group, with unmedicated starter broiler feed without AFB1; 2) Positive control group, with negative control feed contaminated with 0.01% AFB1; 3) DFM treated group, with positive control feed supplemented with 109 spores/g. After digestion time(3:15 h), supernatants and digesta were collected for high-performance liquid chromatography l uorescence detection analysis by triplicate.Results: Three out of those sixty-nine DFM candidates showed ability to biodegrade AFB1 in vitro based on growth as well as reduction of l uorescence and area of clearance around each colony in modii ed Czapek-Dox medium which was clearly visible under day light after 48 h of evaluation. Analysis of 16S-DNA identii ed the strains as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus subtilis. The three Bacillus strains were tolerant to acidic conditions(p H 2.0), tolerant to a high osmotic pressure(Na Cl at 6.5%), and were able to tolerate 0.037% bile salts after 24 h of incubation. No signii cant dif erences(P > 0.05) were observed in the concentrations of AFB1 in neither the supernatants nor digesta sam
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