Technique et résultats de l'exploration électromyographique du diaphragme chez le nourrisson et le jeune enfant.

Summary Electromyographic study of the diaphragma cannot be separated from the exploration of the nervi phrenici. The left nervus phrenicus is longer than the right. Both divide into 3 terminal branches that innervate the 3 main muscular areas. A different recording technique is used for each muscular area: thoracic surface electrodes for the cupulae, oesophageal probe electrodes for the crura diaphragmatis, and needle electrodes for the pars sternalis. Voluntary activity, recorded only during inspiration, is of limited use in pediatrics. The various parameters of the response to stimulation of the nervi phrenici, which are described here, are more interesting. In particular the latency period for each muscular area as a function of age is examined in detail to give an impression of the nerve conductivity.
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